About Poety Matters

Poetry Matters is a home-grown print poetry journal that began in Spring 2006.

Censorship can take many forms. The inability to find a place of publication can be social censorship.

Poetry is freedom. Anyone can write poetry.

Nevertheless, it takes a lot of work to create the poetry that reaches the places only poetry knows.

Whoever you are, wherever you are,
Poetry Matters welcomes you as readers and writers.

Contact me about submissions and subscriptions: poetry.clh@gmail.com

11 August 2011

Roland Barthes (translated by Richard Howard), 'The Semiotic Challenge', University of California Press, 1994

'The Kitchen of Meaning'

'A garment, an automobile, a dish of cooked food, a gesture, a film, a piece of music, an advertising image, a piece of furniture, a newspaper headline - these indeed appear to be heterogeneous objects.
What might they have in common? This at least: all are signs. When I walk down the streets - or through life - and encounter these objects, I apply to all of them, if need be without realising it, one and the same activity, which is that of a certain reading; modern man, urban man, spends his time reading. He reads, first of all and above all, images, gestures, behaviours ... Even with regard to written text, we are constantly given a second message to read between the lines of the first ...'

'To decipher the world's signs always means to struggle with a certain innocence of objects.' 




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